Desmoid patient, black desmoid survivor, disable entrepreneur

Women over 40

I am the Nutter in Chief (newsletter signature). Lol.
Hey am Hortense, I just wanted to reintroduce myself.
I am 47 years old and I celebrated the day I saw my first white hair. I am a life lottery winner as I survived Desmoid tumors (rare disease) twice. I suffered from Chronic Neuropathy for over 15 years. Today I am excited because I feel like I am almost fully awaken to a new start in life.

Cashew-Beet and cashew SafPrika jars

I started Miss Nang Treats because I couldn’t find healthy TASTY nutty snacks on supermarket shelves. I didn’t want them to be too harsh to the taste or to the bite. So, I started making my own. I wasn’t always strong enough to cook all my foods from scratch, so I often made Pre-prepared sauces That I could juje up anything with at work and after work… These sauces are today known as the Kokwa & Mikki range.

Often women over 40 are the forgotten section of society especially if you’ve had health challenges. The one area we can take charge of ourselves is in how we care for the machine that we call our bodies… I decided to refocus on that because of what I went through.

Caring for our bodies starts with what we put in and the environment in which we live. That is why Miss Nang Treat’s overall message includes healthy eating, the environment and sustainability.
Plant-based sauces and condiments with herbs in a wooden tray

Sauces & dips

Healthy eating doesn’t have to mean bland or forced eating. Food can be clean, colourful, green and enjoyable. This is demonstrated in the range of snacks, sauces/dips & crackers proposed. You can also create your by trying out recipes in ‘Plant-Based Ideas For Carnivores‘ the cookbook released in 2021.

The environmental & sustainability message doesn’t need to be restrictive, heavy or aggressive either. We can help the ecosystem by planting and maintaining herbs & fruist bushes on our balconies, reduce our single plastic uses, wasting less food and favouring local food producers/local makers.
One example: favouring local fruits producers for example means that there won’t be chemical on/in them to keep them looking prim during long transits. By consuming local, you do not contribute to the high carbon footprint, contribute to enrich your locality.
In the same example, fruits covered/injected with chemicals end up leaving residues in the consumer body, that’s YOU.. The trucks transporting the same fruits long distance release pollution in our city’s air, which end up giving us respiratory diseases…

So, as people with already fragilized bodies, we must do our bit through the choices  we make.  That’s why I do what I do.
Most ingredients used and promoted by Miss Nang Treats have been harvested or processed in the UK. In 2021 along with the celebration of Glasgow2021, Miss Nang plastic packaging were replaced with glass jars and NatureFlex wood pulp imitation plastic.
Not only that, I often create series of contents related to Plastic-Free July to encourage little changes at individual levels to make sustainability attainable. See example on Zero waste orange here.
Like what you’ve read or got any questions?
Follow on instagram, Facebook or email Hortense at

Miss Nang snacks are for you if

The image is a cloud of words and expressions describing Miss Nang Treats ideal client.

Adopting a healthier lifestyle discovering plant-based snacking

Happy July!

As we enter a new quarter, I thought I’d reintroduce, Charlotte Miss Nang’s favourite client, the person Miss Nang Treats was created to serve. Are you a Charlotte?

👉A woman between 30-45, she is ageless.

💕Clean eater: in recent years, she has had the desire to be more careful about what she eats: as you age, junk starts to accumulate in your system.

😏Wants to be & feel healthier: even with eating clean, she still has to be careful about her choices. Some good food will make you feel bloated, while others would make you feel lighter.

😋Guilt-free snacking: Snacking is the killer in any diet, but good snack needn’t being loaded with junk or be bland. Tats why Charlotte is a big fan of Miss Nang Treats.

👏Delays gratification: a healthy lifestyle is also about self control and how we reward ourselves with the things, treats or food we love.

👌As an office worker, although working from home at present, there is not much movement while working, so Charlotte definitely has to be intentional in her choice of snaking.

🤗Not only Miss Nang snack range is great for snacking, Charlotte can use it in her work as a great option for gifts, and goody bags fillers.

🍀Miss Nang Treats fits in almost all areas of Charlotte’s life including her desire to use more sustainable and localised brands in her daily life.

❓So. As a follower of Miss Nang Treats, can you relate to any of Charlotte facets? Which side of her can you relate most with?

❓Why do YOU use Miss Nang Treats?

If you’ve never tried snacks from thee range, please check out the multipacks below specially created to help you explore the range in one go!

July Special set 


See the discovery set here 

Please email Hortense at should you have questions.

Thank you for reading.

Have a fantastic month!