Why choose Miss Nang Treats snacks

There are many reasons to choose to snack on Miss Nang snack.

The number ONE is visual. 👇👇👇

Not that many people need convincing, but here are few other reasons why you should give Miss Nang Treats a try:

🤩There is no junk included in the making of any of the 15 snacks on offer.

🤩All the ingredients are plant-based.

🤩The options are much healthier that those on offer in convenience stores.

👏All the treats are handmade.

🤩They are all oven dry-roasted and not deep fried as in convenience stores.

😋The flavours are original.

🥜All made by a slightly nutty women who spends too much time observing the behaviour of nuts and seeds in contact of water or any flavouring method. 😉

😋Made by a nuts lover.

👉Every pack is a gift and is full of nutrients: send as gifts, add in goody bags or use as party favors.

👌All the snacks are sharable and suitable for #vegans, non-vegan, #Kosher eaters, #paleo with several gluten-free choices.

🏅One more thing… Miss Nang Treats is an award-winning brand that has been in national and specialist press 4 times this year.  📰🗞️

If you join the mailing list there are few surprises coming up in the run up to Miss Nang fifth anniversary. 📩

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If you sign up today, you get a check out code that will give you 20%OFF your first order over £20.00.

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Thank you for reading.